Financial well-being is about more than living within your means and managing income and costs based on a comprehensive budget; it requires foresight and planning or saving for unpredictable events that a monthly budget may not allow for. Imagine getting unfairly dismissed at work. Your income stops, but your costs don’t. Such an unforeseen situation can throw even the best-managed budget out and put a family in a very difficult situation. Similarly, wrongful rejection of a workman’s compensation claim could render your budget useless unless your budget factored in access to legal advice and representation in cases like these.
Consider the impact of being injured in a motor vehicle accident on your way to work and the consequences this could have on your physical health and ability to earn an income. Legal advice and representation to assist with a Road Accident Fund claim that can cover medical expenses and loss of earnings can help you and your family enormously in such a case if you have provided for it in our budget.
Legal expenses insurance is a cost-effective way to ensure you have support when dealing with legal matters, offering legal advice on consumer disputes, civil matters such as uncontested divorce, and debt-related issues via a toll-free advice helpline that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and representation when you need it. As the saying goes, ‘failing to plan is planning to fail,’ so make sure you protect yourself and your family by budgeting for the unpredictable with legal expense insurance and strengthen your financial well-being.